Miniportworld becomes Longfish Leisure.

As of July 2020, Miniportworld BV became Longfish Leisure BV. See our press release below: 

Longfish Leisure is the new name for miniportworld BV 

– to reflect its diversified range of rental products for recreation – 

Amstelveen, September 29th – after ten successful years of trading in the leisure industry across Europe, miniportworld BV has now changed its name to Longfish Leisure. This name change has occurred to reflect the fact the company now does much more than just manufacture amazing themed electric boats for kids. 

Based in the Netherlands, Longfish Leisure will continue to design, manufacture and supply quality rental products for recreation. Oliver Lintott, founder and CEO of Longfish Leisure says: ‘we started in 2010 with themed electric boats, but in recent years have also been extremely successful with our minisafari cars. As we are about to launch a new range of luxury rental boats and looking at our product development pipeline, it was clear that the name miniportworld BV no longer reflected our business.’ 

‘We continue to expand and have ambitious targets for the next decennium. Besides our official licensing agreement with Jaguar Land Rover, and a promising new distribution agreement with Ruban Bleu SARL for Southern European markets, there are also firm plans to jump across the Atlantic to the US.’ says Lintott. ‘Most of all we would like to thank our loyal client base who have enabled our expansion and development. We will continue to offer them the same quality service and products under our new name.’ 

Longfish Leisure provides FECs, Holiday and Farm Parks a range of ways to access its products, including rental and revenue share arrangements requiring minimal upfront investment. The company has also had great success partnering with Zoos and Safari parks that are looking for new ways of generating supplementary revenues. As a result, the company has recently been accepted as member of EAZA; the European Zoo and Aquaria Association.